high-waist slacker
white toque/beanie in California in the summer = check
crisp shades = check
sweet beard = check
comfy classic grey college T = check
boat shoes w/ pants rolled partway up the calf = check
slacks pulled up over belly button w/ shirt tucked in = wait, what?!!?!!!
sweet beard = check
comfy classic grey college T = check
boat shoes w/ pants rolled partway up the calf = check
slacks pulled up over belly button w/ shirt tucked in = wait, what?!!?!!!
I had no idea what hit me as I fumbled to get my phone out of my pocket in time to snap a spy-vs-spy shot of this historical fashion milestone. The gentlemen walking toward the mint plaza café had taken a shocking step toward a whole new realm of normal, artsy, comfortable[?], male fashion--and I had to know more. I had to know if he was a fluky one-off nut or a shining styleprophet. A temporary, statement-making, pop star no one will remember or a bold new trendsetter ushering in a new era of mom-jean slacks pulled up over the belly button. The female version of high-waisted pantalones stormed onto the main stage in recent years....but never before has there been a youthful, hip, male counterpart.
Getting the camera out and ready was just enough time for another coffee house patron to block the photo and prevent the mission from being accomplished. The opportunity passed, the café filled up, and there was no way to get a shot of this incredible ensemble. My cappuccino drinking roommate turned to me--aware that my defeated soul was sliding down the barstool and onto the unforgiving hardwood floor in a sad sagging heap--and said: "why don’t you go ask him? [to take his pic]"
Nope. Can't do it. I can't walk up to someone I don't know and ask if I can take their picture without feeling like a creep, being completely embarrassed, and potentially rejected. So I did what any sane person would do. I thought about it, got up, walked outside, and asked if I could take his picture. And here it is. And here are my two questionnés:
1__No belt, no suspenders, what kind of genie magic is being used to keep these pants up so high?
2__When I declare that I will 'never ever ever' wear my shirt tucked into my pants pulled half-way up over my ribcage--how binding (and/or accurate) will my prediction/oath be?
1__No belt, no suspenders, what kind of genie magic is being used to keep these pants up so high?
2__When I declare that I will 'never ever ever' wear my shirt tucked into my pants pulled half-way up over my ribcage--how binding (and/or accurate) will my prediction/oath be?
Labels: high waist pants, high waist slacks, high-waist pants, high-waist slacks, high-waisted
let's talk some more here.
perfect tan=check
non-wrinkled T-SHIRT (didn't even know that was possible)=check.
pose-yet non-posed stylish hand in pocket=check
ahaha OK - just realized, this guy is ready for ANYTHING. when he walked out the door this morning he was probably thinking, "hey, if it snows, I might get cold, might as well wear a beanie. if I have to go to a meeting, i might need to be dressed up, hence the slacks. if i go to a beach, it might be sunny, sunglasses are a must. and if all of a sudden Noah's Ark 2 floods take place, I will be ready, because I have my fishing shoes on so i won't starve, and can save the people from starvation cause I am going to catch some big freaking salmon." BUT, he covers up his ability to plan an outfit this fantastic with the beard, which sort of encourages us all to think he is not planning any of this, because it comes across so casual. HOWEVER, buddy I am ON to you, that beard is perfectly trimmed.
THAT, was my rant (something said without thinking, flows without hesitation and releases energy [and endorphins of some kind I am sure]), however, after thinking for a moment I had a new take on Jack (he seems like a Jack to me). Jacks a total babe, who cares what he is wearing - oh wait, I wasn't suppose to type that! Actually, it reminded me of when you get nervous in a situation and say something coming from a completely uneducated perspective about a topic. That's how I feel when I see this photo of Jack. This dude walked out of his house wearing an outfit on purpose that I'd not be capable of putting together if my life depended on it, however, that's because the combination has more style than I can fathom or have yet to have seen on others. I find this in itself unique and tasteful. I hope for our sake high pants and canvas shoes (this style) become the trend for men over the next few years, that way our claim to fame was seeing the first to pull off such style.
Fashion? I am utterly confused. Glasses and beanie, cool, check whatever but he has two items that I have a major problem with; 1)his tee and 2)his pants. Let me explain.
This guy screams casual with the grey college tee somewhere out of the early 90's. Problem, any sign of perspiring and the direct result being seeping pit stains emerging as the day progresses on, no thanks.
Next the pants. I'll start by asking, 'Are these wanna-be workman navy blue canvas pants actually fashionable or practical? I just think any minute he is going to jump under the hood of a car and get to it! I vote practical.
Further it bothers me that this guy before he left his place thinking he would go to an upmarket cafe in downtown San Francisco to sport his truly unique get-up, folded both pant legs to almost can I emphasis 'almost' half way up his legs. The fact that time was wasted in such a desperate attempt to turn these pants to 3/4 pants is disastrous! Does he not know the rules on proportions? Or maybe getting a pair of actual 3/4 pants. Sissors? It's like the roll up, sorry fold up attempt makes him ready to go if there was a mini flood in urban-ville and he had to take his boat shoes off and wade through the 6 inches of water to get to his repair shop!
When you take a first glance and had I actually seen him I would of walked on by not noticing his crazy get-up. But thanks to the wonderful digital age we can freeze-frame these magic moments and figure out if this is in fact fashion fantastic or fashion flawed.
Pants pulled up high? What?
Jack? Maybe John from the downtown mechanic shop.
I give him one point for the boat shoes.
And half a point off for having shaved legs.
Fashion flawed.
Jack be nimble, yo, Jack be slick, Jack don't friggin' care 'bout no candle stick.
gonna have to disagree with you my friend:
_on the comfy T (yes the pit stains are a wrench), but the comfy T is ..... COMFY. i looovvvvvvvvveeeeee comfy. i've heard people say fashion over function----I'm saying comfy over fashion.
_on the mechanic slacks---i think they're pretty rockin. where I draw the line is the shirt tucked in. i spent my entire childhood in a uniform at gradeschool. the shirt always had to be tucked in, and at one point I even had a teacher tuck my shirt in for me. tucked in shirts are ok for weddings, business mtgs, ladies high-waist pants, and sports uniforms. on no other occasion should shirts be tucked in.
Shirts out; agreed. Anyone from Texas want to comment?.........
It's true---it's difficult to see the belt buckle if that shirt is not fully tucked in in front!
i'm just so torn.
it's not a 'half-and-half' deal. it's more of a '3/4 to 1/4' kind of thing.
i really appreciate this approach to the oh so popular hipster look. 'jack' (as i would prefer to call the better part of him) can definitely pull off this outfit... from the neck down. now if he were to walk around with his head off, i'd be okay with his outfit.
well, maybe. but you catch my drift.
there's just something about the way he ties in the high-waist-high-water-high-on-life with his gray cotton T and boat shoes. he looks comfortable, yet professional and clean cut. i'm quite impartial to the fact that his shirt is tucked in. i would say he's almost sartorialist* worthy here.
unfortunately, when i say almost i mean 'not really.'
'john' (how i would now like to refer to the less fortunate quarter of him) doesn't quite make the cut. it's not so much the beard as it is the color of his beanie and the style of his sunglasses. i know, trivial details to point out if i were to pass him on the street; but they become distracting eyesores after a moment or two pondering over his choice of clothing.
if the beanie was black or gray - or even brown? - i'd let it slip. but the sheer whiteness of it makes me say 'honestly?' before i give my eyes a chance to peruse the rest of his outfit.
am i right?
and even if my eyes do have the audacity to venture further, i doubt they'd get very far without me completely dismissing the idea to search for some justification for the latter issue when my eyes would come upon his sunglasses.
so lady gaga-ish.
don't get me wrong. i respect lady gaga in a 'you go girl' sort of way when it comes to fashion. and maybe this 'john's' fake ray bans went missing, or his buddy is borrowing his thick rimmed eye glasses at the moment. whatever the excuse is, it doesn't work for me. 'cause man, those glasses AND the hat really aren't making the greatest impression.
but in the end, i can't completely bash 'john' or 'jack.' i honestly commend him for walking out in the streets with nothing but his sense of style by his side.
walk on, buddy, walk on.
i love it, iust didnt want to admit that it was really happening...
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