Monday, October 24, 2011

If you wanna...[shoes of the week continues...]

If you wanna be gotta buy these gold shoes...they have heals, and no laces...but they can make you groove.  If you wanna be the coolest, you have got to prove, that you pull these shoes off with style and you've got nothing to lose. (sung to the tune of Spice Girls - If you Wanna be)

These shoes are actually not made of chocolate, you know what I mean right? Here in Canada our $1.00 coin is called a loonie, and so we get gold chocolate loonies for cheap stocking stuffers and such.  These shoes look like the same gold wrap, or what you'd get for a big easter bunny chocolate, that you usually forget you own and leave in your drawer and then like 6 months later find it - and take a bite - I know, I know, you probably won't admit it - but we always try it, even when it's like 2 years old.  Ok -- sorry, side-tracked.  These shoes were not at some trendy H & M store, they were at Superstore, a large grocery store here in Canada, that also carries household and clothing goods.  And apparently, THESE shoes.  AhhhhMazIng?

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