Tuesday, December 7, 2010

killing the kold

Every year, millions of people suffer from a horrible condition. Symptoms such as mysterious bumps on skin that make hair stand straight up. Or the sudden exhalation of smoke for no apparent reason. Involuntary body shakes. Lips turning blue. Teeth chattering. I could go on, but it just gets uglier from here. If you--or a loved one--have every experienced these symptoms, you know how unsettling and gut-wrenching this condition can be. 

The good news is that this condition is seasonal and only temporary when treated quickly. The bad news is that it can kill you... and will, given the chance. A fascinating phenomenon is occurring on the coast of California. These shorts-wearing, flip-flop-loving, granola-eating hippies forget this condition ever existed the moment they are safe from its grasp, leaving them vulnerable the next time it rolls around. 

Many of the world's leading medical practitioner's have come to label this condition "Algere", Latin for "To Be Cold". 

So we thought it would be helpful to introduce these (and the world's) warm climate residents to some of the basics of keeping warm when (gasp!) the temperature drops below freezing.

1. Buy a jacket (it's like a Slanket - only shorter, nicer, and better in every way)
2. Wear the jacket - You can even wear it backwards like Kris Kross if you'd like.
3. Wear layers (an undershirt, a t-shirt, and a jacket does not constitute 'wearing layers)
4. Wear pants not shorts. Not doing so is like having a spoon with a large hole in it... pointless.
5. Call your dearest Russian or Canadian friend for encouragement through this difficult and trying season.

This list isn't meant to be exhaustive, it's more of a beginners guide---a warm-up if you will. More cold climate wisdom to come....

In the meantime, here's a pair of sleeping bag slipper booties by The North Face that WILL keep your feet warm once you pry your frosted flip-flops out from between your frozen blue toes.

--The Murse + Peacoat

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