Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bench Warming!

Could a Tuesday morning study/coffee session get any more suspicious? I get it, you are a calm college attendee, you got your blue and black vans. Rocking the Wu Tang yellow tshirt, black pants combo. No big deal. But I think if we try to see through your thick rimmed glasses, I don't think what we find is gonna be pretty.

Your curly brown hair and typical sitting stance only point to the fact that you are trying to look casual. But I can see that you have a fake nose and are most likely recording us right now. What is up with being in the background, sitting on a bench anyways? All I can say is that your fixed gear bike better be able to pedal into full speed!

If I knew any better I would say that you have placed a 'mole/diversion' in the frame to take away the fact that you are planning a wmd (weapons of mass destruction) attack on the bay area. Well I got news for you, you yellow shirt, black pant wearing terrorist. Jack Bauer is only like a 5 hour drive, or a 1.5 hour helicopter ride away.... That's right he's in LA, and unless you wanna make the next season based in SF, you better get your terror and cram it into your backpack, or else... fedora and slippers are gonna find you!

Oh yeah and there is a dude rocking some mind blowing neon clothes in the pic also!!!


ps. this pic was not taken by me, and though it would be selfless to let it go unsaid this pic was taken by peacoat, though it is obvious that it is a pic for everyone.

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Blogger Peacoat said...

Recently a friend of mine [Lemon Shoes] was explaining that there actually is a level beyond Amazing. I grew up with the notion that Amazing was the absolute top tier of all things this side of eternity.... apparently I was only partially informed. You see, beyond Amazing is a tier of incredible so overwhelming that it can only be described by one word in the English language as we know it: Outrageous.

And if ever there was a person deserving of this categorizing---of being labeled with all the glory of FashionAmazing stretched to the outer reaches of our galaxy, it is Regrette [Captain Neon's name]. Regrette: You are Outrageous! Thank-you for raising the bar so high.

September 15, 2010 at 8:19 AM  
Blogger Slippers. said...

Regrette's photo brings me back to when I was a child regarding the feeling of the world being mine and having the freedom to do all that I could imagine.

September 15, 2010 at 10:13 AM  
Blogger neon nylon said...

Epic! That's how I roll.

September 16, 2010 at 9:18 AM  

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