Tuesday, September 14, 2010

just go-go away

about a month or so, i agreed to go to the opening of a new art exhibit here in the lovely city of san francisco. i was expecting to see abstract works of art that i could hardly understand, eccentric folk that these events usually draw, and an exceedingly enjoyable performance by an up-and-coming local band called 'Scissors for Lefty.' overall, my expectations were delightfully met. what i didn't expect to see was this monstrosity. i don't have any quick words to summarize this - dare i say - fashion statement, so i'll just break it down piece by piece.

care to join?

i want to start with the color pallet chosen here: blue, orange, and white. now, these colors may or may not be the very colors of my college - i'm just not so sure this woman was a waves fan. i'm not even sure if willy the wave can pull off this color combination. each color by itself is swell, but all three together? well, i think it would suffice to say a headache ensued after this technicolor overdose.

now i understand you're only experiencing the bottom half of this woman's outfit, but if my memory is correct, that long, royal blue skirt was actually a dress. granted, this woman was well over the hill - if you're pickin' up what i'm throwin' down here - and she reserved every right to be dressed so modestly. plus, it does her age well to do so. as for the material and color she decided upon... well, i hope that goes without saying.

the best part of her artparty outfit, that should also go without saying, is the boots. but i'm enjoying them way too much to pass up the opportunity to actually say something. now, i don't remember a time when these were popular. that may be due to the fact that i wasn't alive when they could have been. but even at the peak of their popularity, this woman would have been well into her 20s. i mean, i understand people trying to relive their high school days, but i would hope that no one would want to experience their time as a go-go dancer again... and as for the glorious glimpse of bright orange between the boots and the dress? yeah. that's not skin. those are tights.

'nuff said.

maybe she's trying to make a statement and bring something back.

i'm just not sure what that something is exactly.

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Blogger Peacoat said...

Willy the Wave---amazing!! Love the white boots.....am I the only one who thinks this lady must have kicked some serious tush in her day? [ps. how do you spell tush?]

September 14, 2010 at 10:13 PM  
Blogger Slippers. said...

Fedora - the boots are my favorite also, especially the fact that they are sparkling white and spotless. As well, I like the fact that the skirt does not have a wrinkle or a stain on it anywhere. I can't even wear a t-shirt without getting a wrinkle in it, let alone something that you sit in, or maybe this women (or man perhaps? I can't see the face), doesn't believe in sitting.
These boots also remind me of the BC Lions football team cheerleaders. They have the same boots (presently) except they are orange, really really orange and the last time I watched a game I commented on how I wanted a pair. Thankfully I did not invest, as although I have style (oh do I ever), seeing this woman (I'll assume this time) wear them, I don't think I could have looked quite so slick. I'll save the boots of this kind for her.

September 15, 2010 at 9:15 PM  
Blogger neon nylon said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but is this or is this not the women off Austin Powers? Doctor Evil's wife?
Apart from the possible fame that she may be, I love what she is rocking. I love that it seems like she knows she is rocking it. She is in her prime once again. Go girl power go. Or is it yeah baby yeah?

September 16, 2010 at 9:35 AM  

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