Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh Canada !

As much as I hate to admit it, summer is over. Or what I should say is that up here in the jolly old land of winter, summer is over. Mountains are seeing far more regular dustings of snow and those damn leaves just keep reminding me that the coldness approaches closer everyday. Don’t get me wrong, I love some things about winter. Skiing, snowball fights, writing my name in the snow (gentleman you know whats up), hockey, northern lights, and of course Christmas. However, when I think of a Canadian winter, nothing, and I mean nothing gets my maple syrup blood pumping like a good ol’ flannel shirt. Long sleeve, button up, and without a doubt the most horrible pattern of plaid one can find is a must. This seemingly lumberjack style get-up has somehow found it’s way into being a staple of the Canadian fall/winter season and I for one enjoy nothing more than a nice warm rockin’ plaid tuxedo to kick of the start of the winter. What is it about the shirt that makes it so darn Canadian anyway ? I mean there are so many other things that convey the Canuck lifestyle embraced by a few other fellow bloggers and I that you would think would come faaaaar before a silly shirt. Things like the toque, poutine, hockey, igloos, our nice strong REAL beer, riding polar bears to work, watching Sidney Crosby score a semi-important goal in the Olympics...was that in overtime...? can’t quite remember...anyone...? And of course being able to pronounce words the fun way like abooooot instead of about (damn it).

I guess what I’m trying to say is that when I look for a way to start the winter on a happy note, I need look no further than the flannel section in my closet. I think that this year anyone who has not done so already should go to their local plaid dealer and pick up a little bit of sunshine in the form of a soft flannel hug and maybe, just maybe you’ll put a smile on your face to start of the winter months this year. Spoken like a true Canadian, just get ‘er done EH !!

Oh and by the way just to prove my point a little better, this picture was not set-up or planned, it was literally the way that six friends happened to show up to the same house one chilly winters eve. boo-ya.


Puffy Shirt.

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Blogger neon nylon said...

From one Canadian to another wanna be Canadian. Flannel is a 365 day outfit as far as I see living in the mid west of Canada. I saw it as a fashion statement downunder 2 summers ago. Got me a few long sleeve flannel shirts. Came back to Canada to realize my so called recent purchases were infact an autumn winter spring and summer choice for the average Canadian. You see this pretty plaid pattern is perfect for all of these wonderful Canadian activities. Working, BBQing, hockey, ice fishing, regular fishing ( you gotta look good for the fish) going to Tim Hortons, you never know who you will see there. Christmas, camping. Did I mention fishing? Going to the hardware store, cutting wood for the winters. Avoiding the sun in the summer and the mosquitoes. Puffy Shirt I love your post but it is safe to say the so called autumn winter item of flannel is truly a year round fashion piece.

October 2, 2010 at 12:24 PM  
Blogger PUFFY SHIRT said...

agreed. well put.

October 2, 2010 at 2:07 PM  
Blogger Peacoat said...

I have a friend who's commitment to long sleeve plaid flannel shirts knows no seasonal bounds.....he even rocks them in one of the most filthy humid places on the continent---the American Midwest. And does so during the most gruelingly hot and moist months of the over function? I think so!

Not my cup-o-tea...but I got mad respect for those who can hack it in every season.

October 2, 2010 at 10:09 PM  

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