shoes of the weAK?
Ever wonder if soccer cleats, rubber boots, high heeled shoes, leg warmers, hiking boot lace holes and running shoes laces could all be combined to create one "thing"? I sure didn't. I presume none of you did either. So why did Spank (a well known, fashionable shoes/clothing retailer) decide they needed to attempt something so unnecessary? If it ain't broke - don't fix it right?
That's all I got. I'm still in shock. My quest for new boots, is definitely becoming a challenge. Maybe we could think up a name for "it". Shoe+cleat+boot+rubber+hiking+wow = Scoobingow?
I give up. Kind of like Spank should have done before they created this.
These are arguably the best pukeboots I have ever seen. Let me paint the scenario:
You're over at a friends house and your stomach suddenly decides it's been poisoned by the Mexican food you had earlier in the evening. As the swelling flow of puke winds its way out of your stomach and up towards your throat you have just enough time to reach for one item to spew into---Imagine that one thing is a Rubber boot (gumboot)? How uncomfortable would it be to puke into one of those. Why not reach for something that's a) water proof, b) got a soft comfy liner around the top, c) looks kinda pukey itself? I'm just saying, if you're gonna spew, spew in this.
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