uggggggggh....a sad time of year...but I tried!
I'm having a hard time here in Vancouver acknowledging that the summer has come and passed--and that the innocent can never last, maybe I'll wake up when September ends? No not really, but I would prefer if during this season the ground was dry on occasion so I could wear flip-flops. Nonetheless we here in in the Pacific NorthWest have embraced the UGGGgggg boot phenomenon with full force. Any day now, I shall be expecting the masses of Lululemon pants and tan boots to come streaming out to play, as the fall season is upon us and winter is slowly approaching. I decided to try a pair on last week and to my surprise they were quite comfortable. Mind you, the boot was the same length as my leg (a meter high) and it was kind of hard to bend my knee, but I figure that's just because I didn't have my Lululemon pants on. I hear they are good for Yoga and bending and such... so perhaps once I buy them I'll have more luck with the whole mobility thing. My one puzzling thought though, is that we here in Vancouver, BC experience more rain than Noah's Ark floods (I am SURE of that, because I asked Noah) so how can these fantastically mobile and comfortable boots keep my toes from the rain? Maybe that magical spray shoe salesmen always try to sell me at the till as I am paying for my purchase will help. "So, that'll be $500.00, would you like this magical spray that will keep your boots from soaking with water if you ever remember to spray them for an extra $50.00?" Or maybe not.
Anyways, that's all, thought you should know I did try them this season. I also have decided I will try harder to find a trend that suits this dry and warm city for the next few months. So far my two options may not be the best for me personally--BUT, don't worry/lose sleep over it or anything, I'll keep you posted on my quest for what not to wear, I mean, what TO wear during Vancouver's finest season.
In the meantime, I think I'll stick to slippers.
side-note: please forgive tights under heel with flip-flops, it was cold--I know, fashion DISASTER.
Anyways, that's all, thought you should know I did try them this season. I also have decided I will try harder to find a trend that suits this dry and warm city for the next few months. So far my two options may not be the best for me personally--BUT, don't worry/lose sleep over it or anything, I'll keep you posted on my quest for what not to wear, I mean, what TO wear during Vancouver's finest season.
In the meantime, I think I'll stick to slippers.
side-note: please forgive tights under heel with flip-flops, it was cold--I know, fashion DISASTER.
Labels: flip-flops, Lululemon, rain, Ugg, Ugg Boot, Vancouver
I'm not sure I've ever seen anything this ridiculous/amazing in the form of a shoe/boot in my entire life...
The only thing I can throw on this pile was back in the day they had an actual Shaquille O'Neal size 23 (or something ridiculous) replica shoe on display, and I recall putting my foot with a full high top basketball shoe on, inside of his shoe and having lots of room to wiggle my foot in my own shoe around inside his replica. That dude's got big feet. I'd love to see him wearing a pair of those Uggs---and it would be radd if he also had two of those oversized boxing gloves that are huge and puffy and the size of beach balls---that would be a hilarious pic. 'Shaquille----call me, and we'll shoot this photo!'
UGG stands for UGGLY! and totally impractical for North American winters.... you see it doesn't rain in Australia ever... and this is where these lovely feet/ankle/in the photos case-leg warmers are made. You see a typical Aussi winter can get down to a low 20 degrees celsius.... you see UGG doesn't know a -40 winter or what that is like and rain what rain? this is a true example of 'What is made in Australia stays in Australia'... sure they may be warm in your cosy apartment downtown Vancouver but rest assured a real eskimo would laugh at such a piece of 'wanna-be-animal-hyde-fashion-slippers'
But the comment about lululemon made these puppies all the better, so i don't know if what I said up top is valid anymore...?
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