Sunday, October 31, 2010

No-Shave Novembeard Begins

Friends and Family,
Strangers and Enemies,
Men and Women,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are gathered here today to begin the celebration of the magnificent month of No-Shave Novembeard. On the first grey morning of the first day of the month of Novembeard, each member of our legion of cyber fashionullas takes an icy shovel out into the backyard, removes a small plot of turf and soil, and softly places their razors [both electric and straightblades] into the cool damp fall soil, where they will remain for the entire month. This somber act signifies our freedom from the corporations that demand we use their products daily to shave our legs. Liberty from the companies who 'force' us to trim our mustaches, prune our armpits, buzz our sideburns, shear the hair from our backs, clip the braids from our ears and nostrils, and of course clearcut any possibility of a five o'clock shadow.

Join us this Movember, as we take back what has been stolen from us, as we rightfully reclaim our.... bla bla bla.... don't shave this month.... bla bla bla.... Novembeard is awesome and you should grow a beard or something....woo woo.....hurray hurray!  Let NO-SHAVE NOVEMBEARD begin!!

*photo treatment by thunderpants

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