Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Vans? Or Trucks... Or Cars?

 I just snapped some pics for blogging and all I could hear in my head was Whitesnake yelling at me, "Hereeeeeeeee I go again on my ooooooown, goin' down the only road I've ever known!!! Like a drifter I was born to walk aloneeeeee, An' I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time!"

Obviously slightly melodramatic as the photos I was taking were of smelly shoes and nothing about blogging makes you "alone" - but seriously - classic Rock and Roll songs just make everything feel more pumped up and energized and REALLLYYY important!! 

So I'm in Jasper, AB (a place in Canada, aka the small country above the US of A) a couple of months ago and walk into this bike shop and BAM - there they were.  The magical dream Vans slip-on shoes for a small child.  So from the Rocky Mountains, to Vancouver, BC (also a place in Canada), shipped to the mountains in the States (a small country below Canada), my nephew received shoes SO bright that he would reach down to touch them the first few minutes he had them on, because the brightness was so much! This is all fun and games because this child is two.  But then I got to thinking today about the rest of my Vans problem (I am not two). 

Currently I think I only have 6 pairs.  But it's OK right, because they all serve different purposes?? 

These I wear to capture kid's hearts immediately upon meeting them! NOT in a Creepasauraus kind of way - but when working in schools, they trust you faster when you have Darth Vadar fighting scenes on your feet!  But on a more serious note.
Whoever created slip on shoes that look best when you have bare feet, obviously never wore them on hot days.  I always feel like a real princess when I take them off at the end of the day and everyone in a 6 block radius of my house, passes out instantly from the glorious smell that fills their nostrils!  

Haven't determined the purpose of these yet.  Currently just waiting to have a purpose.  Possibly disastrous? Possibly the best yet? I'd say they are "to be determined". 

K but honestly. Vans makes FLIP FLOPS that have grip like that of skate shoes??? I don't even skateboard and that's awesome!  I bought them in San Diego a few moons ago and serious amount of greatness has taken place wearing these.

These I inherited from someone rad and they are sizes too big. SO in the winter in snowboard towns where there are multiple feets of snow, a couple pairs of wooly socks (and a whole lot of fashion sense later) and these are better than boots!

SO I seriously tried to be an adult here.  I intentionally went into a store that sells dress shoes, to buy "adult work shoes" and whoops! Adorable little beach shoes!  Super awesome, especially because I bought them in the middle of the rainy season of the winter! #Winning?

Finally. These are last simply because they are the best. I wear them mostly so that the world thinks I am as cool as Bodhi from Point Break.

Til next time folks.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Some Things Never Go Out of Style...but Some Things...Should?

SOOOOOOooooo, the writers of have been on hiatus for the past year?? OUR deep apologies!! I guess sometimes life gets in the way.  Personally my schedule has been out of CONTROL, however, also I was having a hard time writing posts and taking pictures of people!  Let me tell you why.

  This whole blog thing started when a few of us decided that we had so much fun on the phone/hanging out in real life/doing anything that we wanted to document some of the good times and publish them.  We wanted to remember the good times, but also we decided the world needed to be apart of the laughter.  Fashion is something we have always been EXTREMELY good at and talked about a lot so we chose to make a Blog about some of our thoughts (this is coming from the girl who has been wearing the same 4 tank tops on rotation all summer, accumulated all worth maybe $40).

We started taking photos of people who crossed our paths, posting them and commenting on them.  However, I have been having a hard time determining at what point we are mocking others - or just analyzing them.  AND so - I just wanted to give a disclaimer that we are all about the LOVE.   That our intentions for this blog are simply to bring more joy to the planet, and often times it will be at the expense of ourselves, and also - to argue about things that really REALLY MATTER ALOT (not really).  For example a few of us agree that Rollerblading is a deal breaker when it comes to whether or not we would date someone - but then there is Peacoat who likes to Rollerblade twice a day while wearing a velour onesie!  So - we all have our own opinions and ideas of what is the best, and sometimes other people are wrong, and I am right, and sometimes I am just right, and sometimes we are all right.  But whatever the case may's time for PPandHC to make a comeback.      

Sucking at fashion since before you were BORN! & Always being the best at EVERYTHING that we do. 

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Movember

Sometimes the big things in life leave the largest imprint on your day. And sometimes the smallest. I like to try to live each day being inspired by those around me. I also like to sing to those around me at random moments in falsetto: "You're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration! You bring feeling to my life---you're the inspiration...!" Then I do the Chicago key change and go up a notch: "Wanna have you near me, I wanna have you hear me sayin', no one needs you more that I... need... youuuuuu." 

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Shoes of ... my LIFE.

Summer is no longer in our sight...but do not fear, if my calculations are correct then we have 219 days left until summer, so it's practically right around the corner.  So, my advice would be to make sure you are prepared by having the following. A trusty pair of flip flops in at least every room of your house, and a pair of slip on kicks.  

These Rip Curl flops were bought nearing the end of August so they are still in great condition, so the four pairs I have at work, the one pair in the truck of my car (still in the wrapping) and the 15 pairs at my house are not in use for the moment. 
 These Roxy slip-ons have done me well for many years.  They used to be fuzzy inside, however, after many road trips and adventures to the beach, they are no longer fuzzy, but rather I find I can fit them with almost every outfit under the sun.  However, I accidentally forgot my Nikes for Physiotherapy last week and felt like kind of a tool wearing these and doing exercises in a weight room ... BUT that's the only time they won't work;).
I am trying, I do believe the frost did looked quite pretty on the rooftops today, and the snow covered mountain tops are making our gorgeous Vancouver, BC city look quite amazing. 
Nevertheless, my denial continues and I'll be wearing my extra layers up top for the next little while - so that my toes-in-denial can continue to wear their preferred footwear for a while longer...if not forever.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shoe of the Week.

I actually really like these.  I was walking down Commercial Drive, here in Vancouver, BC and saw them in the window of a consignment store.  They give me a Fairy Tale - Cinderella type feeling when I see them.  Never seen someone with a pair on, but I like to think they'd look rad.  Black dress and these on - I think a girl would be set for the evening.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ella, ella, ella, ay, ay, ay ....

I wonder if this what Rhianna envisioned when she wrote her umbrella song?  Even if not, I see this photo as sort of a symbol of love, you know, always buy an umbrella big enough for two, or say, for your spouse....Cause at the end of the day, after you say you love someone and your "I do's", you'll always want to have room for them to....stand under your umbrella.
(Now that it's raining more than ever, Know that we'll still have each other, You can stand under my umbrella.
You can stand under my umbrella.

So go on and let the rain pour, I'll be all you need and more...

When the sun shines, we?ll shine together, Told you I'll be here forever, Said I'll always be a friend, Took an oath, I'ma stick it out till the end.

Now that it's raining more than ever, Know that we'll still have each other, You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella, eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella, eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella, eh eh eh, eh eh eh)

It's raining
Ooh baby it's raining
Baby come here to me
Come here to me

It's raining
Ooh baby it's raining
You can always come here to me
Come here to me

It's pouring rain
It's pouring rain
Come here to me
Come here to me)

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Monday, October 24, 2011

If you wanna...[shoes of the week continues...]

If you wanna be gotta buy these gold shoes...they have heals, and no laces...but they can make you groove.  If you wanna be the coolest, you have got to prove, that you pull these shoes off with style and you've got nothing to lose. (sung to the tune of Spice Girls - If you Wanna be)

These shoes are actually not made of chocolate, you know what I mean right? Here in Canada our $1.00 coin is called a loonie, and so we get gold chocolate loonies for cheap stocking stuffers and such.  These shoes look like the same gold wrap, or what you'd get for a big easter bunny chocolate, that you usually forget you own and leave in your drawer and then like 6 months later find it - and take a bite - I know, I know, you probably won't admit it - but we always try it, even when it's like 2 years old.  Ok -- sorry, side-tracked.  These shoes were not at some trendy H & M store, they were at Superstore, a large grocery store here in Canada, that also carries household and clothing goods.  And apparently, THESE shoes.  AhhhhMazIng?

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Saturday, October 22, 2011


It's rare you see BedHead this perfectly executed. Kudos!!

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Sometimes in the fall in my city it you may need a rain jacket...

 Oh, sorry, what I meant to say was, sometimes in the fall it is imporant to purchase a large FUR jacket, because they are apparently SUPER cosy when it rains outside, and are able to repell water like no other.  I mean, the polar bears do it right??? Oh no wait, they live in the ARCTIC, not in one of the most mild, damp, rainy places on the planet..enough with the fur already folks. It's only October!

God save the Queen....

And our EYES after looking at these pants....and as if ONE pair wasn't enough....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Gold trumps ALL!

SO are ....

these ones!


Seriously though...these shades are awesome.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

aus bikini

I cannot for the life of me figure out why Kiwi's [people from New Zealand] don't like being mistaken for Aussies [people from Australia]? 
Perhaps the ad campaign on this billboard in the Sydney International Airport will help shed some light on the subject....

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Sunday, July 17, 2011


i guess they had a sale on sad I missed it!

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