Oh Canada !
Labels: Canadian, flannel, Olympics, plaid, plaid tuxedo, Sidney Crosby
sucking at fashion since before you were born
Labels: Canadian, flannel, Olympics, plaid, plaid tuxedo, Sidney Crosby
Labels: Chuck Taylor, Converse, hi-top, Kansas City, Missouri, Never, skinny shorts
Labels: chinstrap, Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, SF, the city
Labels: 11, Air Jordan XI, shoes of the week, spacejam
Labels: blond, blue, razor, stylish hair, undercut
Labels: flip-flops, Lululemon, rain, Ugg, Ugg Boot, Vancouver
Labels: forever 21, HM, ruffaluffagus, ruffles, San Francisco
Labels: Dayton Rebel, Deena and Ozzy Leather Harness Boot, motorcycle boots, shoes of the week, sickle, Urban Outfitters
Labels: gravis, old school kicks, Reebok, skate shoes., T.J. Maxx, ugly croc heals, Winners
Labels: Airport Security, Comfy, Man Skirt, Maui, Mirt
Labels: international spy?, neon, short pants, sneakers, t-shirt
Labels: artparty, boots, go-go dancer
Labels: hipster tail, yuppie, yuppie hipster
Labels: Billie Joe Armstrong, Green Day, striped pants, Willy Wonka
Labels: artsy, casual, indie, shoes of the week